Corporate Social Responsibility

In the field of corporate social responsibility (CSR) we are monitoring and analyzing business and policies and practices in environmental, social and corporate governance area. In the scope of our work we support policies and practices that strengthen relationships between different stakeholders, contribute to their social responsibility, as well as to a higher level of implementation of human rights of all people through socially responsible actions. With professional knowledge and through connecting businesses and experts, we aim to help organizations in holistic and comprehensive management of CSR and in identifying risks and opportunities that traditional business practices may overlook.

According to the EU Commission (2002), CSR Corporate social responsibility is a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis.

We can introduce businesses to tools for measuring and reporting CSR, as well as professionally assist in their integration into business strategy. The motivation for socially responsible behavior is to measure the impact the company creates, as measuring the results is encouragement for the company to improve year by year.


Sustainable Enterprise

Network for Social
Responsibility Slovenia

Sustainable Enterprise Certificate is an analytical and advisory procedure, based on socially responsible management of company or organization (public or private). The procedure of adopting this Sustainable Enterprise Certificate is based on gap analysis.

Network for Social Responsibility of Slovenia is the meeting point of companies and other organizations whose common purpose is to promote social responsibility, both within their companies and organizations and as well in the wider society. Key activities of the Network are exchange of knowledge, innovation and good practice in CSR through various events and educations. Visit Network for Social Responsibility of Slovenia website for more information!

Partners and networks…

Ekvilib Institute has been a member of the GRI community since 2019.
“We are members of the GRI community and support the GRI organization’s mission to empower decision-makers around the world to actively contribute to a greater sustainable economy and world through the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards and its multi-stakeholder network.”
Ekvilib Institute is a member of European network for social responsibility CSR Europe.
The European Business Network for Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility CSR Europe is the leading European business network for Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility. With our corporate members, National Partner Organisations (NPOs), and Associated Partners, we unite, inspire & support over 10,000 enterprises at local, European and global level.
We support businesses & industry sectors in their transformation and collaboration towards practical solutions and sustainable growth. We are for systemic change. Following the SDGs, we want to co-build with the European leaders and stakeholders an overarching strategy for a Sustainable Europe 2030.

Trainings and consultancy

  • International CSR standard ISO 26000
  • Reporting sustainability: GRI guidelines
  • ECQA certificate Diversity manager
  • Strategy of implementation of sustainable business in companies
  • Stakeholder approach
  • Promotion of health in the workplace
  • Family Friendly Enterprise certificate

Both globally and in Slovenia, there are numerous tools for CSR management and reporting available, therefore companies must consider which tools will be used and which are the most suitable for their business.

Implementation of CSR practices into business operations is a long-term process, which should be a conscious decision and implemented so that it can achieve the biggest positive impact. For businesses that have no previous experience with CSR, but would like to start being more responsible, the first step should be to review how the company works and operates, and set out goals they want to achieve. Companies may already have some socially responsible components, which could be upgraded and managed and measured.

Companies that use CSR for marketing or PR purposes and don’t include it into their business strategy, experience high costs in the short term, and don’t see positive effects in the long run. What are they doing wrong? Companies are often not aware of the need for integration of CSR into the business strategy. They should change the way they view CSR and sustainable business and development, and simultaneously foster a corporate culture that promotes socially responsible behavior of all involved stakeholders.