This leadership development program takes you beyond change-focused, transactional leadership to transformational leadership. This is done by:

-Building leaders’ psychological flexibility and resilience* – self-awareness, awareness of others and ability to take values-guided action in challenging situations
-Creating common understanding and awareness of value-based behaviours and modelling these
This workshop is based on the latest research in behavioural and neuroscience. It has been proven to build psychological flexibility and reduce stress.
This one day face to face workshop is designed to achieve the following:

– Build leadership self-awareness, awareness of others, resilience and psychological flexibility.
– Enable leaders to take values-guided actions in challenging situations, no matter how difficult it may be.
– Teach them self-help techniques and techniques to help others in difficult situations, and with performance and interpersonal issues
– Empower the leadership group to build and sustain a committed and positive workplace culture.
– Greater understanding of resilience or ‘psychological flexibility’ – and how it builds resilience, reduces stress, increases life satisfaction, enhances relationships, and improves performance
* Psychological resilience isn’t about toughing it out and ignoring your feelings. Resilience comes from the Latin word ‘resilire’, meaning to ‘rebound’, or to ‘bounce back’. Unfortunately, most people therefore think of resilience as your ‘ability to bounce back after stress’. But this concept of resilience can be somewhat limiting. So will explore a much broader definition of resilience:
“Resilience” is the ability to initiate and sustain values-guided action, and to engage fully in life, through times of both ease and difficulty, through periods of both stress and calm.
“Psychological Flexibility” is the ability to be more fully present, aware, and open to your experience in the current situation and have ability to take effective values-guided action with awareness.

7 June 2019

Where? Ljubljana, Pošta Slovenije, Čopova 11 (konference hall)
Workshop fee: 250 EUR + DDV
How to register: send an e-mail to petra@ekvilib.org or info@ekvilib.org
Inquiries: +386 (0)1 430 37 51 ; petra@ekvilib.org
Event organiser: Ekvilib Institute; Event partner: The Managers’ Association of Slovenia

Detailed program
This mindfulness and values-based resilience training program helps people to be present, focus on the task at hand, allow for difficult thoughts and feelings to appear without being driven by them, and to act in line with chosen values, no matter how difficult it may seem. Changing the way we respond in certain situations, how we communicate and behave requires a holistic approach – developing individuals and the organisation. Management of behaviours is complex and interrelated with organisational culture, systems, structures and processes. Considering the significant impact management has on workplace culture, organisational risks and the business environment, it is crucial that organisational transformation starts and is led by the senior management. This program will support the following leadership capabilities: Awareness of Self, Awareness of others, Communication and Influence, Building Productive Relationships and Achieving Results. This is important as research shows that in order to initiate and drive organisational change the leadership team is required to have high levels of psychological flexibility and resilience: acceptance (acceptance), emotional intelligence (EI) (self-awareness and awareness of others), being in the present moment and taking values-guided actions.
Workshop outline:
Morning session
• Neuropsychology of human behaviour – human mind, how it works and why we get stressed.
• Neuropsychology of social interactions and workplace challenges,
• Introduction to psychological flexibility.
• Recognising ‘reactive’/’hooked’ behaviours,
• Introduction to the Choice Point,
• Using mindfulness to build resilience,
• Learn mindfulness skills- how to ground yourself in emotional situations,
• Learn how use mindfulness to ground yourself, be present and focus on here and now.
Afternoon session
• Building self-awareness and awareness of others,
• Dealing with challenging situations and people,
• Values-guided action taking – moving from reactive to cognitive behavior,
• From FEAR to DARE- how to deal with worrying and anxiety provoking situations,
• Learn self-care and care for others,
• Develop courage and skills to face the challenge of a difficult interaction,
• Learn and practice skills and step- by-step process to engage in difficult conversations.

Dr Natasha Lazareski (Kiso) is a co-director of PsyFlex, exploring with her collaborator: Dr Russ Harris, the important connections between mind, body, environment and wellbeing.
PsyFlex’s mission is to enable organisations to thrive and succeed through developing resilient, flexible employees capable of effectively responding to all life’s challenges. Its goal is a workforce committed to achieving the best commercial results in a positive and safe work environment.
Dr Natasha Lazareski completed her medical degree in Belgrade, Serbia and was a junior doctor during the war there in the late 80s and early 90s. Natasha’s first hand exposure to the disastrous effects of war and trauma, and their devastating effects on the human mind, stirred her to explore preventive medicine and psychological health. She became especially interested in psychological flexibility and helping people develop the strength to deal with challenging situations.
Natasha is now an occupational health specialist, and an expert in psychosocial risk management. She has helped a wide range of organisations – including personal insurance agencies, Workers’ compensation, and government institutions, schools and health and emergency services– to successfully develop sustainable risk management strategies and holistic health frameworks.
Her passion for healthy and well performing workplaces has positioned this consulting company as a market leader in reducing people risks through the application of a risk management framework to psychological issues in the workplace.
In collaboration Dr Russ Harris, world-renowned expert in acceptance and commitment training, Natasha developed a range of leadership development programs to help organisations systematically manage their people risks, improve culture and maximise performance in their workplaces.