Ekvilib Institute publishes publications in the field of human rights and development cooperation. This way we want to encourage critical thinking, debates and action in the areas of our work. We publish and collaborate in the preparation of monographs, manuals, studies and other publications related to all areas of our operations.
To access reports and toolkits not published here, please contact info[at]ekvilib.org.
We have grouped educational materials, reports and other publications for friendlier browsing according of fields of work:
- Work Life Balance
- Tax Responsibility and Development
- Gender Equality
- Human Rights
- Aid Effectiveness
- Cross-cutting
Work Life Balance
- Usklajevanje zasebnega in poklicnega življenja v praksi:
Izkušnje z izvajanjem projekta certifikat Družini prijazno podjetje v Sloveniji - Analiza učinkov vpeljevanja družini prijaznih politik v organizacijo
Tax Responsibility and Development
- Reports on the Role of Europe in supporting an unjust tax system 2013 – 2017
Every year members of Eurodad with the support of independent expert prepare a report on the role of Europe (started with EU only) in supporting an unjust global tax system. The report is a mapping of positions of countries, in which members of Eurodad operate. The report is meant as an advocacy tool for the discussions with national and EU policy makers on the issue of negative effects of illicit capital flight from developing countries. - Report Runaway Taxes: Who pays taxes in CEE region?
- Toolkit Razumevanje davkov in razvoja (in Slovenian)
- Video content on Ekvilib Institute’s YouTube channel
Gender Equality
- Empowered diplomacy: Bridging the Gender Gap
Final report of a joint Iceland Slovenia study - Guidelines for Gender Sensitive Reporting (in English and Montenegrin)
- United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325: Women, Peace and Security in the countries of Western Balkans and Slovenia (briefing paper) (in English)
- Študija o izvajanju ključnih vidikov resolucije 1325 v Črni gori (in Montenegrin; publication by partner of Time for women’s rights and gender equality in Montenegro)
- Trainers’ Manual Gender Equality and Gender Mainstreaming (English, Montenegrin)
- TRAINER’S MANUAL: Gender Equality and Gender Mainstreaming • Introduction to the Manual • Getting Started: Introductory Session • Module 1: Gender, Gender Concepts and Definitions (Refreshing your Knowledge) • Module 2: Conducting Gender Analysis (Refreshing your Knowledge) • Module 3: Gender Mainstreaming in Organisation (Refreshing your Knowledge) • Module 4: Integrating Gender into Programme and Project Cycle (Refreshing your Knowledge)
- PRIRUČNIK ZA PREDAVAČE: Rodna ravnopravnost i ravnopravnost polova: • Uvod u prirucnik • Početak: Uvodni dio • Modul 1: Rod, rodni koncepti i definicije (Osvježite Vaše znanje) • Modul 2: Sprovođenje rodne analize (Osvježite Vaše znanje) • Modul 3: Rodna ravnopravnost u organizaciji (Osvježite Vaše znanje) • Modul 4: Integracija rodnih pitanja u ciklus programa i projekta (Osvježite Vaše znanje)
Human Rights
- Reports to the United Nations Committees overseeing human rights and special procedures mandate holders:
- Shadow report of the coalition of non-governmental organisations submitted to the UN Committee on economic, social and cultural rights
- Report on the rights and situation of elderly persons submitted to the UN Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons at the occasion of her visit to Slovenia
- Reports from the field visits:
- Report on economic, social and cultural rights in Swaziland
- Human Rights in Botswana: Good practice case for the region?
- Impact of the land grabbing on human rights in Senegal.
- Human Rights Manual:
- Manual on economic, social and cultural rights: Manual of young activists for young activist (in Slovenian only).
- Children’s Rights and Development Cooperation: Child Rights Programming (in Slovenian only).
Aid Effectiveness
For several years, in cooperation with the national development platform SLOGA, we monitor aid effectiveness of European and Slovenian development cooperation and official development assistance. For Sloga, we are also annually preparing Slovenian chapter for European report on aid effectiveness Adiwatch.
- All annual reports AidWatch are publish at CONCORD website.
- National report 2014: Slovenian international development cooperation and official development assistance. Short overview for 2013 (in Slovenian language).
- Za trajnostni razvoj, ki nikogar ne pusti ob strani (2020) – poročilo NVO o udejanjanju ciljev trajnostnega razvoja v Sloveniji je koordinirala in izdala platforma SLOGA, vključuje prispevka Ekvilib Inštituta o družbeni odgovornosti podjetij ter mednarodnem sodelovanju Slovenije na področju boja proti izogibanju davkom.