~Experiential and practical workshops~
With the When We Love to Work Well Academy, we want to address the current challenges of the modern business environment in a slightly different way, in order to create a workplace where both employees and managers love to work well.
We will use methods that will try to activate 4 levels of human action, namely
• intelect • emotions • body • consciousness •
All this with the aim of finding the best ways and solutions to act beyond the most rational possibilities considered so far, according to the principle FROM THE HEAD…. TO ♥…. TO ACTION
KRiDD Academy consists of the following modules:
- NEW – Online Training for Managers
- Finding the Balance Between the Individual and the Organisation
- Diversity Management
- Intergenerational Cooperation
- Overcoming Barriers and Resolving Conflicts
- Embodied Leadership
- Ino-Kinesthetic Workplace
We invite “ambassadors of organisational culture”: key managers, prospects, HR managers, CSR officers, informal leaders…
You will be guided through the workshops by Ekvilib Institute staff and guest experts in their respective fields.
Price per workshop: € 200 + VAT per person.
For CDPP holders: 10% discount
For second, third… person from the same company: 15% discount
The Ino-Kinesthetic Workplace workshop is a demonstration workshop and therefore free of charge.
The timetables for the one-day workshops are from 9 am – 3 pm, the two-day workshops are from 9 am – 3 pm on the first day and from 9 am – 1 pm on the second day.
Further details and exact timetables will be announced when the dates
Are you interested in the details of the workshops or would like to have the workshops performed individually?