Coalition for ESC rights
12 non-governmental organisations joined its forces under the coordination of Ekvilib Institute in order to prepare a joint shadow report to be submitted to the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The shadow report is available here.
After the Committee has published its Concluding observations on the state of economic, social and cultural rights in Slovenia, which strongly reflect the position and recommendations of the coalition, we are continuing our joint work in order to establish a system of monitoring of recommendations of the Committee and plan joint advocacy activities in this field.
Coalition is currently composed of the following organisations:
- Ekvilib Institute (report coordinator),
- Društvo Humanitas,
- Društvo informacijski center Legebitra,
- Društvo Vita Aktiva,
- Društvo za nenasilno komunikacijo,
- Društvo za osveščanje in varstvo – center antidiskriminacije – OVCA,
- Gibanje za trajnostni razvoj Slovenije –TRS,
- Klub ActRight,
- Mirovni inštitut,
- Pravno-informacijski center nevladnih organizacij – PIC (new coalition coordinator),
- YHD – Društvo za teorijo in kulturo hendikepa,
- Zavod Open
Contact point:
Katarina Bervar Sternad, coalition coordinator
Pravno-informacijski center nevladnih organizacij – PIC, Ljubljana
Last activities of the coalition and related news:
- Open letter to the president of the government of the Republic of SloveniaOpen letter to the president of the government of the Republic of Slovenia (in Slovenian language)
- Press release at the occasion of the publishing of the Concluding Observations by the Committee on ESC Rights (in Slovenian language)
- Press release at the occasion of publishing of the NGO shadow report on ESC Rights (in Slovenian language)
- Joint Shadow report of the Coalition on ESC rights
- Shadow report in a comics, as seen by the Comic hero N.Vladek (in Slovenian language)